I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it’s very hard to use a laptop while you’re standing up. Tablet PCs slates on the other hand, are designed to be used when your standing up.
Think about the possibilities for this… For instance, a cold storage company recently told us that a Tablet PC will save them hours every day. How?
Well, each time they have a question in the cold store, they have to walk out of the store, into the office, look it up on the computer and then walk back again. It was a massive warehouse. Can you imagine how much time that takes up every day?
With a Tablet PC (in this case, the semi-rugged Motion F5) they can have the PC on hand, and look up the information while they are standing at the pallet.
Here is a list of just some of the places that you’ll see Tablet PCs where a laptop is not practical:
- In a warehouse
- On a building site
- On a farm
- At a hospital bedside
- On the street
- In meetings
- In hallways
By the way, a Tablet PC is easier to use on you lap when you’re sitting down too, since there’s no need to balance the keyboard and screen.
You have touched on one of the unexpected benefits I found when I switched to a slate Tablet PC — more comfortable seating while using a computer. I now do 90% of my PC work from very comfortable chairs. I still do a small amount of programming using a keyboard at a traditional desktop computer on traditional desk.
The improvement in physical comfort over the past few years has been worth the switch to a slate.
Got to love anything that is compact and portable. Now all we need is a truly wireless network that you can tap from anywhere.