According to an article in the Ballarat Courier yesterday, Ballarat District Nursing is deploying Tablet PCs with a local software program called UNITI.
This would allow nurses to access patient information and make requests in real time while visiting clients.
UNITI manager Dean Parish said in the article:
By removing the need for field nurses to return to the office after visiting patients to complete associated paperwork saves time and could make some nurses feel more independent in their job.
This is another example of Healthcare leading the adoption of new technologies in Australia thanks to government and corporate leadership.
While there will undoubtedly be change required and some short term pain with it, initiatives like this will result in better care for patients and less stress for nurses!
These devices certainly making changes in all fields. It will be interesting to see how the UMPC and Netbooks will play with seniors as more and more baby boomers start to use technology as they “age in place”.